Souls 7. “What is the best way to get my soul into Heaven?”

Catholics receive the light that lets us see God!

Question 1: “Most Christians believe that God is One Being in Three Persons. Each of us is ‘made in the image of God.’ Do we have ‘three persons’?”

Answer: “We have a soul, spirit, and body.”


Question 2: “Which came first?”

Answer: “Our soul came into being at the moment of our conception.”


Question 3: “What happened next?”

Answer: “God’s ‘DNA program’ for our spirit and body was downloaded. We took human form.”


Question 4: “Is our brain part of our body?”

Answer: “Yes. Our spirit lives in our brain. It communicates with our body through our nerves.”


Question 5: “Where does our soul live?”

Answer: “In, or near, our spirit.”


Question 6: “Does our soul tell our spirit what to tell our body to think, say, and do?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 7: “What should our soul tell our spirit to do?”

Answer: “First: Learn as much as we can about God. Second: Obey His Teachings.”


Question 8: “What happens if our soul does not tell our spirit to obey God?”

Answer: “Our soul falls into sin.”


Question 9: “Does sin measure our far our soul has fallen from God?”

Answer: “Yes. The farther our soul is from God, the less of His Light it receives.”


Question 10: “Is our distance from God measured by the brightness of our soul?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 11: “What if our soul only makes our spirit obey some Teachings of God?”

Answer: “We live in the twilight. Our soul is only part way to God.”


Question 12: “Can our soul live in only three places: light, dark, and twilight?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 13: “What is the fastest way to get more of God’s Light in our soul?”

Answer: “Obey This Teaching of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’


Question 14: “Why is That Teaching so important?”

Answer: “It is The Only Word of God that specifically tells us the exact location of ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 15: “What are those ‘keys’?”

Answer: The Seven Catholic Sacraments and the intercession of His Holy Saints and Angels in Heaven.”

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