Are souls judged on a sliding scale?

America was a strongly Christian country for much of its history. Sin was frowned upon. The Protestant moral collapse began when they embraced birth control. When a society’s morals are undermined, as ours are now, a vastly larger number of people believe that such things as birth control and fornication are not “sinful”.

In amoral societies, either fewer souls are saved, or God has some kind of a program that “adjusts” whatever level an individual’s faith and obedience have to be to merit salvation.

Consider John Smith, an agnostic who died today while riding his motorcycle without a helmet. His parents never took him to church, he never read the Bible, and the only thing he really knows about religion is what’s portrayed on The Simpson’s.

Naturally, he has spent his whole life in sin. But, God, in His infinite wisdom, knows that if John had lived in a more moral society, and had a more religious background, that he would not have been living in sin with his girlfriend. God knows that if John hadn’t been told a million times that “it isn’t really a baby”, he would not have encouraged her to have an abortion. God also knows that if John had been taught that it was wrong to steal, he wouldn’t have been taking a few dollars now and then from his employer.

God knows that John’s soul was lost when his parents made the decision to raise him “to find himself”.


Fred’s on the other side of the coin. He’s been raised in The Church. He knows his Catechism. He’s read and re-read the Bible. He knows the Commandments. He goes to Church every week. But, he died a few minutes ago after he fell, knocked himself unconscious, and then tumbled down a hotel elevator shaft while having an affair with a woman he’d met on-line. His death was so fast he didn’t have time to ask for forgiveness.


Their two souls arrive at the Pearly Gates at the same time. Will either be admitted?
