Souls love organization and moving in the right direction.

Yesterday, we looked at the soul as a section of a beam of light carrying a vast amount of information.

The soul can be visualized as a section of a light beam full of information, but it is not constrained by a pipe. It is floating free, able to move in any direction. It is important to be sure that our soul moves toward God and not away from Him.

When we were conceived, a great organization took place. As long as we are moving toward God at the amazingly fast rate we travel, our soul is happy in its organized being.

As soon as we direct the motion of our thoughts or body toward anything but God, our soul is unhappy. Mind, body, and soul are at risk from disorganization. Our soul is much better able to see that risk, and what comes after it, than our mind.

Souls are real and souls are movement.


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Sin is preceded by thought. Thinking about sin opens the door to committing the sin, therefore, is much the same thing. By keeping our soul moving toward God, we avoid sin and strengthen our soul.

The soul of a sinner is a shrunken, wrinkled, raisin-like thing. The soul of a saint glows like a light bulb.


When our soul leaves our body, it goes “as is”. That’s why the Sacrament of Confession is so important. The dark spots, stains, and shrivels are removed before it goes to judgment.

Old carvings show Egyptian deities who are weighing souls at judgment. They were closer to understanding souls and what happens to them than many moderns.


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