The speed of creation.

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that God, The Unprogrammed Programmer, can program actual particles, compile them into structures and beings, then have them move through time. We humans, with free will, are His most complicated programs on earth.

It’s hard for most to see that He could have programmed and downloaded The Creation Program in a week, as the Book of Genesis records. That’s not a hard concept for Catholic Fundamentalists to grasp. It’s such a

revolutionary idea, understanding God’s power, rather than always dragging Him down to our level, that many are put off by it.

One way to visualize it is to consider Henry Ford. When he started in business, there were dozens of small businesses making cars. He understood that he needed huge assembly lines, reliable work forces, and guaranteed sources of supply. In a few decades, his huge factories were able to turn out automobiles at the rate of one every minute or so. When he began the process, in a garage, he had a vision of what he wanted to do, of the machines and factories he needed, and of the distribution system that had to be put in place.

Over several decades, Ford developed every process he needed for the mass production and distribution of automobiles. He integrated those processes, and showed himself to be one of the most productive men in history.

If he’d had more financing, he might have been able to do it in half the time. If he’d had more intelligence, he might have been able to reduce that time by half. With unlimited resources, he might have been able to do everything he did in, say, ten years.

God, being far, far more powerful than Henry Ford, had the ability to program spiritual beings, angelic sub-programmers, that He needed to program all the “factories” He wanted. He programmed the sun as an “energy factory”. He programmed the earth and all of its systems much the same way, as a collection of “factories” that would produce everything necessary for human beings to have free will. It took Him six


As we Catholic Fundamentalists grow in understanding of that process, we tend to take the things, beings, people, and systems that He programmed less seriously than we take He Who programmed them. We who consider a being as powerful as The Unprogrammed Programmer quickly come to the correct conclusion that each of us is but a tap on the “erase button in the sky” away from destruction and damnation. Truly, “the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.”

We know Who to be afraid of. We also know that the greatest miracle in all that He programmed is that He loves us.
