St. Dominic echoed The Prophecy of Jeremiah. #60.

Question 1:  “St. Dominic is commemorated today.  How did he echo The Prophecy of Jeremiah?”

Answer:  “Jer. 31-34 told the world what would happen:  ‘The days are coming, says The Lord,
when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.’


Question 2:  “Would this be different than God’s ‘Old Covenant’?”

Answer:  “‘It will not be like The Covenant I made with their fathers on the day I took them by the hand to lead them forth from the land of Egypt;  for they broke My Covenant, and I had to show Myself their Master, says The Lord.’


Question 3:  “How would God’s New Covenant be different?”

Answer:  “‘But this is The Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says The Lord.  I will place My law within them, and write it upon their hearts;  I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’


Question 4:  “How could God do that in His ‘New Covenant’?

Answer:  “Jesus told us 14 times: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’  God’s Chosen People know:   ‘We place God’s Living Word ‘within us’ and  have it ‘written upon our hearts’ every time we receive Catholic Communion.'”


Question 5:  “What makes Catholic Saints like St. Dominic so important?”

Answer:  “Catholic Saints live in great obedience to God.  St. Dominic was made a Saint in the year with the amazing number 1234 AD.  He strengthened The Church by attracting geniuses like St. Thomas Aquinas to logically explain why Catholic Communion is The Most Important Thing on Earth.”


Question 6:  “What good did that do?”

Answer:  “The Catholic Structure St. Dominic was blessed to provide let Catholic Queens and Mothers in Europe lead their husbands and children to be better Catholics.  Catholic Monarchies in France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and other nations helped send Catholic Missionaries to download The Living Word of God in His Chosen People all over the world.”


May we follow the example of St. Dominic and help Download The Living Word of God in His Chosen People of every nation and family.

