St. Faustina gives Catholics a clue to “Solving The Puzzle of Time”. #45.

St. Faustina helps us see how Jesus keeps us from “drowning in time”!


Question 1: “What is ‘The Puzzle of Time’ in Psalm 105:6-8?”

Answer: “‘He remembers forever His covenant, the word He commanded for a thousand generations, . .’ There are 20 or 25 years in a ‘generation’, did The Word of ‘His Covenant’ go into effect between 200,000 and 250,000 thousand years ago,

OR ‘will The Word of His Covenant continue to echo on earth for the next 195,000 or 225,000 years? That is ‘The Puzzle of Time’.”


Question 2: “Could God have made a ‘covenant’ that long before people knew how to write and read The Words of His Covenant?”

Answer: “The oldest human artifacts are more than 200,000 years old. God sent angels to guide families and tribes of ancient peoples. Some chose to be led by fallen angels. People were not able to write down The Specific Words of His ‘Covenant’ until God gave the gift of reading and writing to humanity, five or six thousand years ago.”


Question 3: “After God showed the earliest writers how to write, Did it take a thousand years, 40 or 50 generations, before people could write well enough to record The Words of The Covenant God made with Abraham?”

Answer: “That is when God began to give His People the ability to ‘Sing to The Lord a New Song; sing to The Lord all you lands. Tell His glory among the nations; among all peoples His wondrous deeds.’


Question 4: “If God’s ‘thousand generation Covenant’ began 200,000-250,000 years ago, when will it end?”

Answer: “It will end when God said it would! St. Faustina has helped many Catholics understand the Love and Mercy of God in two Passages from ‘The Diary of St. Faustina’:

(848) ‘Speak to the world about My mercy’ . . it is a sign for the end times. After it will come The Day of Justice.’

(965) ‘Souls perish in spite of My bitter passion; I am giving them the last hope of salvation; that is, the Feast of Mercy. If they will not adore My Mercy, they will perish for all eternity. Secretary of My Mercy, write, tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near’”


When Catholics think about “Solving The Puzzle of Time”, we see that the Prophecy of St. Faustina about the “end” could be fulfilled in the near future. Anyone blessed to read “The Diary of St. Faustina” can see that Jesus chose her as His “Secretary” from the beginning of time.

Realizing that is an important part of “Solving The Puzzle of Time”.


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