St. John gives us reasons to be Catholic!

.                                           Do we see The Holy Spirit giving St. John The Book of Revelation?

Question 1:   “The Book of Revelation was written by the ‘most beloved Disciple’ of Jesus Christ.   Did St. John tell us that we should be Catholic?”

Answer:  “Yes!   In Rev. 14:  9-11, St. John tells about the punishments that will come to the willfully disobedient.   ‘All those who worship the beast or its statue .  .  .  will be made to drink the cup of God’s  fury, which is ready, undiluted in His cup of anger .   .   .'”  


Question 2:   “What are ‘the beast’ and ‘its statue’ that St. John describes?”

Answer:   “They are the two evil beings ‘the dragon’ (Rev 12:3) empowered to lead every force of evil on earth.”

(~An aside~)

Question A:  “Why do some Willful Protestants confuse ‘its statue’ with images of those who gave their lives in obedience to Jesus Christ and say ‘Catholics worship idols’?

Answer:  “Lower-level Profiteers of Protestantism say that to get donations.  They make a living by getting donors to disobey This ‘Command’ from Jesus Christ to one person in History!   ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’


Question B:   “What happens to anyone who leads ‘a little one of Mine astray’?”

Answer:  “Ask a lower-level Profiteer of Protestantism.  It’s fun to watch them avoid that question!”

(~Back to St. John!~)


Question 3:  “What happens to those who ‘worship the beast or its statue’?”

Answer:  “‘ .  .  they will be tortured in the presence of the holy angels and The Lamb and the smoke of their torture will go up forever and ever.’


Question 4:  “How can we avoid that eternal agony?”

Answer:   “In Revelation 14:12, St. John tells us what we must do!   ‘This is why there must be constancy in the saints who keep the commandments of God and faith in Jesus.’


Question 5:  “What happens to those who choose to ‘keep the commandments of God and faith in Jesus’?”

Answer:   “Revelation 14:13 tells us!  ‘Then I heard a voice from Heaven (God, Himself?) say to me, ‘Write down:   Happy are those who die in The Lord!  Happy indeed, The Spirit says;  now they can rest for ever after their work for their good deeds go with them.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
