St. Paul is Proof! There is Great Hope for Willful Protestants!

.                     Jesus gives every person the opportunity to walk on “The Street called ‘Straight.”  It leads to Heaven!


Question 1:  “How does St. Paul prove that there is Great Hope for Willful Protestants?”

Answer:  “No one hated the first Catholics more than Saul!”


Question 2:  “How much did he hate The First Catholics?”

Answer:  “He held the cloaks for men who took them off so they could throw bigger stones harder and kill St. Stephen more quickly!”


Question 3:  “Did killing St. Stephen calm Saul down?”

Answer:  “No!  Acts 9:1-2 tells us what he did after helping to kill St. Stephen.  ‘Saul kept breathing out threats and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord.  He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues of Damascus.  The letters authorized Saul, if he found any who were of The Way, whether men or women, to bring them bound to Jerusalem.’


Question 2:  “Did Saul think he was doing ‘The Right Thing’ when he got warrants to seize and imprison those who obeyed This Word of Jesus:  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . .’?”

Answer:  “The entire Jerusalem Establishment thought that was ‘The Right Thing’ to do!   Roman Governors controlled Israel, and Damascus in Syria.   Most powerful people thought The Early Catholics were trouble-makers who should be ‘slaughtered’ as soon as possible’.”


Question 3:  “What made Saul stop persecuting the early Catholic Church?”

Answer:  “Jesus made him stop!   Saul was on The Road to Damascus with written authority to arrest the people who realized:  ‘Jesus is The Prophesied Messiah!  He is God, in Human Form!  His priests give us His Body to eat and His Blood to drink!’


Question 4:  “How did Jesus make Saul stop persecuting His Church?”

Answer:  “Acts 9:3-6 tells us.  ‘Jesus appeared to Saul in blinding light and Spoke This Word:  ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ Saul said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ The Lord replied, ‘I am Jesus, The One you are persecuting.’  So Saul, shaking and astounded, asked, ‘Lord, what do You want me to do?’ The Lord said to Saul, ‘Arise and go into the city, and there you will be told what you must do.’


Question 5:  “What did Jesus do?”

Answer:  “Jesus sent Saul to the same road that every Catholic follows in Acts 9:11,  ‘The Street Called ‘Straight’.   It took Paul directly to a Catholic Church that met in a home in Damascus!  Within a few days, he who became St. Paul was preaching for the same people he had been persecuting!”


Question 6:  “Why do Willful Protestants have a hard time understanding that St. Paul became a Catholic priest?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants never Think Clearly about This Word that only a Catholic priest could say!  St. Paul is clear in 1 Corinthians 10:16;  ‘This cup of benediction that we bless, is it not The Blood of Christ?  This bread that we break, is it not The Body of Christ?’“.


St. Paul is proof!  There is ‘Great Hope for Willful Protestants’.  All they have to do is Think Clearly enough get onto ‘The Street called ‘Straight”!”

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