We still need a name for this!

A couple of years ago, Catholic Fundamentalism was puzzled by one of the most blatant manifestations of a double standard in recent history. It was hard to think of a name for something so utterly two-faced. We still need a name for this!

The Mayor of Boston, Tom Menino, just celebrated the opening of a mosque in his city. The mosque was built on city-owned land that was sold to Moslems far below market value. The mosque’s Imam, Imam al Qaradawi has this position on homosexuality: “In 2003 Qaradawi stated on IslamOnline that the punishment of homosexuality is the death penalty.”

A restaurant chain named “Chick-fil-A” is run by a person publicly said that he believes in traditional marriage. The Mayor of Boston was so offended by this that he has just promised to do everything possible to keep a Chick-fil-A restaurant from opening in his city.

Psychologists describe many mental illnesses with phrases like “split personality”, “passive-aggressive”, and “obsessive-compulsive”.

We need a word or a phrase to describe Boston’s Mayor, Tom Menino. The Mayor subsidizes one religious group that promises death to homosexuals while keeping a business out of town because its owner believes in traditional marriage.

And, we need to wonder about Boston’s gay community. Why would they be for Menino’s stand on the restaurant while not protesting bringing homosexual-hating Moslems into town?

We need a name for this! Or, a phrase. Something to describe such blatant, flagrant hypocrisy. Maybe, just call such obvious displays of self-serving contradictory behavior “tommeninoism”.

But, that name isn’t big enough. In the same week, Mayor Rahm Emanuel in Chicago welcomed the homosexual despising Moslem, Louis Farrakhan while condemning the same restaurant. “tommeninorahmemmanuelism” is too long.

So: We need a name for this! “Straining at gnats while swallowing camels.” comes to mind, helping us understand why those who love big government hate He Who described them so perfectly.
