Stop Apologizing!

Some Catholics seem to revel in apologizing for a tiny handful of perverts who snuck into The Church, became ordained, and molested children. During this period of time, nearly a billion babies were aborted around the world by the culture of death. Another billion people died from malaria, a disease that could have been eradicated by DDT, but which leftists wouldn’t let them use. Instead of being sorry for the millions of deaths they cause every year, those in the Culture of Death revel in accusing The Church of wrongdoing because several hundred, or a few thousand, children were molested. As those in it continue to complain about the comparatively tiny amount of wrongdoing done by conscious inflitrators in The Church, the Culture of Death goes on destroying the most innocent lives of all. It is as if a raging forest fire is complaining about the heat of a match.

We know that the culture of death does what it can to destroy all that is good and decent. The only common cause that those in it share is the destruction of The Church.

Many lapsed Catholics, swollen with their own importance, enjoy announcing proudly: “I left The Church because I just couldn’t stand the scandals.”, implying that they are far better than The Church and those in it. Their self-righteousness lets them feel justified in abandoning their own Mother. One is reminded of those early Christians found an excuse to return to the world by thinking and saying, “I stopped following Christ because Judas was so bad.” We may remember that God is always weeding His garden.

Some Numbers

When we remember Judas, we may wish to recall that, when he was a disciple, his presence meant that 1/12th of the Disciples hated God and His work. The tiny handful of priests whose perversions were hurtful to The Church is now maybe one out of one hundred and in many places is now one out of a few hundred. Things are certainly better than they were.

But the enemies of The Church, whose own actions are responsible for the deaths of billions by abortion, euthanasia, and malaria (which goes on killing because the left refuses to eliminate it with DDT for specious, life-destroying reasons), are quick to ignore the greater damage they have done and go on doing while distracting from their own sin by pointing at the 1% of bad priests.

Scripture tells us that “all things work together for good”. One good thing the scandals have done is help the overly self-righteous separate themselves from God and His sheep. The Church has been cleansed of the proud, the lazy, the unforgiving, and the self-anointed judges of their neighbors. There are fewer Catholics who cannot see the difference between billions of deaths and a few thousand hurt, but living, children, most of whom are recovering with counseling.

We may pray that the souls who marched self-righteously away will return and be saved, but many much prefer a pleasant stroll with friends down the broad, pleasant road that leads gently down the slope before the ground suddenly gives way.

The FBI, CIA, the Mossad, and KGB

are, and were, tough agencies that were hard to infiltrate. But, counterspies and double agents frequently got through their security screens and did damage to those agencies. If the FBI, CIA, the Mossad, and KGB could not be perfectly safe from infiltrators, it’s ridiculous to think that The Catholic Church would have better security systems in place. It’s not realistic, it’s not even sane, to think that every child predator who wanted access to children could be kept out. Today, there are fewer molesters than ever, less than one out of a hundred or hundreds, and security has been tightened. It’s interesting that more leftists complain more about The Church’s security breaches than about the failures of the hardened, professional intelligence agencies that specialize in such things.
