Strainers, separators, and filters.

Strainers, separators, and filters separate what is desired from what isn’t. They take many forms. Dairy farmers use separators to separate milk from cream. A winnower drops wheat and chaff through a screen to separate them. Tea bags allow fluid to flow through while keeping dried leaves out of the cup. Filters on gas lines and at the end of cigarettes keep even smaller particles from entering oxidation chambers.

The Programmer separates souls. Those who go to Heaven are eternally separated from the others.

The Creation Program was downloaded so that each soul has an opportunity to get through God’s spiritual filters. He separates those who love Him and their neighbors from those who do not. Those who are pro-life love their neighbors more than those who accept the death of unborn children. They, absent the presence of other mortal sins, are among the saved.
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It seems quite impossible for those who are not pro-life (“Those who are not with us are against us.”) to be saved.

Anyone can picture himself standing before The Bench before a jury made up of souls torn prematurely from their bodies. They know who their friends and enemies were.


Do The Psalms prophesy that The Holy Spirit would take “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” from The Father to The Son? ~ Question 1: How do St. Paul and The Psalms tell us how to get our souls into Heaven?” Answer: “St. Paul tells us in one sentence in 1 Tm 6:13-16! ‘Beloved: […]

Prophecies!  Prophecies!  Prophecies!  Catholics follow The First Catholic Pope’s example:  We love to connect Prophecies to He Who Fulfilled them! ~ Question 1:  “What did The First Pope tell people after healing the man who was ‘born crippled’?” Answer:  “He let us see the hidden meaning of Acts 3:11-26.  Every person (except Mary!) is ‘born […]

We end up in one of two places forever! Many “body parts” in every nation’s “Body Politic” let our souls be stained by pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth. Will we love ourselves more than God and our neighbors? ~ Question 1: “What are the ‘body parts’ in every nation’s ‘Body Politic’“? Answer: […]