Strange things grow in greenhouses.

There are certain laws of success in freer countries. Generally, those who are honest and upright do well. Those who love God and their neighbors do better than those who hate Him and them. When countries embrace such an operating system, they grow and prosper. They are well defended. Protected by a strong defense, things within the country change. People begin to worship idols.

Usually, the defense structure is the last thing to collapse, allowing all manner of incompetent, even evil, people to gain power within the country, rotting it from within. They are usually helped by bribes from countries that have forgotten God and His Operating Instructions. When the defense forces are weakened, the country falls.

The same thing happens in greenhouses. They allow for growths that simply could not survive in the harsher world outside. When the glass is broken and the heating system fails, the most unnatural growths are first to die.
