Each of our sub-programs seamlessly interface.

When we type, our finger programs move across the keyboard. All the necessary muscle programs contract and relax, pulling against each other in a binary of their own as the characters appear on the paper or keyboard. As we think about it, we realize that the our mind is actually doing the typing, and that some portion of our being is responsible for getting us to type it in the first place.

It is not our mind, but our will that prompts us to the typewriter. “It’s time for me to type today’s column.”, I think to myself. Then, my will gets my mind to think out what the column will cover. Then, it gets me in front of the keyboard. Then, it figures out what I’m going to say, and my fingers type it.

We are each like a tiny finger of God, chosen to be when and where we are to do His will. Just as we want our own fingers to type without making any errors, God wants us to do His will without making any mistakes.

Many people spend the bulk of their lives learning to interface better with programmed entities. Machinists interface with metals and machines, engineers with measurements and calculations, lawyers with laws, drivers with vehicles, parents with children, ballplayers with balls.

Most of us are not “stars” when it comes to interfacing, but we have become reasonably skilled at interfacing our own programswith other programmed entities. It’s important that we choose to interface with The Programmer Who programmed all that there is. He has spent a lot of time and effort getting us where we are. Thinking, saying, and doing His will lets us make the fullest use of what He has programmed us to do.
