It’s supposed to appear to be lunacy.

The early beliefs of the Jewish people were thought by Greeks, Romans, and others to be, in a word, “lunacy”. Believing and passing on such bits of information that the Red Sea parted, that manna fell from the sky, and that similar miracles abounded separated the Jews from the people around them, earning them the label, “Lunatics”.

The last person believed to be a prophet was Malachi. After Him, the Jewish establishment recognized no further embracing of lunacy. When John the Baptist appeared, professionals in the faith didn’t know what to make of him. When he said, on seeing Jesus, “There is the Lamb of God.”, those involved in the established cash flow funded by belief in earlier “lunacies” didn’t want to see any more such things.

“We already believe in all the weird things we’re able to believe.”, they said. “No more!” Fortunately, the early believers were not dissuaded by those who wished to define and limit God’s abilities by their own. Because of their great faith and courage, we now have the possibility to have our own souls spend eternity with the God Who programmed them and the universe in which we have been downloaded.
