Taking pills.

Over half of all Americans take at least one pill every day. As we get older, we take more pills. Pills are very profitable. Pill manufacturers have huge profit margins, and do what they can to get more people to take more pills.

Many Americans take a half-dozen different kinds of pills several times a day. No one is quite sure what all these pills do, but doctors go on prescribing them.

Most doctors listen carefully to pharmaceutical salespeople. Every day, each pharmaceutical salesperson is expected to call on several doctors, and tell them about the latest and greatest scientific breakthrough. Most doctors believe much of what they are told, and obediently begin to prescribe the latest and greatest pills to their patients.

Patients like taking pills. Pills give them something to talk about. “I’m taking six different pills.” they will tell each other, abashed when someone says, “I’m taking eight.” And, pills usually cost them little or nothing. “I have the very best Blue Cross Double Plan. It pays for all my pills.”, many oldsters will proudly announce.

Those with the “best” insurance generally take the most pills. Pharmaceutical companies know this. That’s why they make vast “contributions” to political candidates who understand the “need” for “Universal Health Care”.

“Universal Health Care” means that more people will be taking more pills, providing vast new profits to pharmaceutical companies, and investing in the election of more public officials who “understand”.
