“That all the world be Catholic.” is the best of goals.

“That all the world be Catholic.” is the best of goals.  All are helped, none are hurt.  It’s nice to have a universal truth.

When Catholic Fundamentalism explored the concept:  “That all the world be Catholic.”, many undeniable, verifiable advantages were immediately seen:

1.  There would be no more abortion.

2. Artificial birth control would be reduced, in not eliminated.  More of us would focus on marriage and family, not spilling our seed on the ground.  People would act like adults.

3.  Billions of poor people would have their lives and health saved by DDT, rather than be sick, suffering, and dying from malaria.  Again, the Culture of Death would be stopped.

4.  Objective truth would be exalted and relativism banished from more minds.  Government policies would be less venal, less responsive to bribes and payoffs.

5.  Fewer souls would be distracted by temptation, corrupted by error, and more souls would be admitted into Heaven.

6.  The vows of celibacy, poverty, and obedience would inspire more to emulate them.

7.  More people would avail themselves of Christ’s warning:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood, you do not have life in you.”   By taking Communion in a Roman Catholic Church, the world would be filled with the most genuine life of all.

8.  All the Sacraments would be more widely received, elevating the world’s faith and morals.

The world will be better as more realize “That all the world be Catholic.” is the best of goals.


Warning:  Lots of people will say things will be better “That all the world be ________ .”  and insert their personal favorite universal benefice.  If some poor, unfortunate souls believe that, we might mention #6, #7, and #8.


