The Andrew Jackson Foundation

Andrew Jackson Foundation

Currently, there is no open recognition for elected officials who strive to ensure that public expenditures are in line with the Constitution.  The Andrew Jackson Foundation is an informal group of citizens who believe that any elected official with the courage and intellect to risk unpopularity by taking stands against endless tax increases and those who want them should be rewarded.

To that end, when an elected official stands up for Constitutional principles, lower taxes, and reduced regulations, a supporter of The Andrew Jackson Foundation is encouraged to, at a public meeting, present that official with $1,000.00.

The money is not in the form of a bank check.  It is not in cash.  It is either in the gold or silver coinage formerly recognized as America’s currency.  At this date, $1,000.00 translates into about 33 United States silver dollars, each of which has a value of about $33.00.

Anyone wishing to make in such meaningful award to those who stand for the Constitution may, at any public meeting, present an outstanding Constitutionally-supporting official with that distinction.

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Many supporters of The Andrew Jackson Foundation prefer to put the silver dollars in a framed plaque that can hang on the official’s wall.  Some will use a clear box, with a plaque on a stand to be displayed on a desk, clearly showing the depth of appreciation The Andrew Jackson Foundation has for the officials who receive the award.

The Andrew Jackson Foundation member may publicly include three hundred dollars in paper money  so that the official, probably in a 30% tax bracket, can pay his taxes in paper money.  Most do not, since a person honorable enough to win such a reward will pass  the prize to another deserving official who faithfully supports The Constitutional principles on which America was built.

Shared Motto

The motto should be shared:  “Public cash for saving the public’s cash.”  will soon be reachable to provide more information about this exciting new development for Constitution-supporting citizens.


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