The Big Picture

There’s a great, leftist fondness for “the big picture”. Environmentalists urge us to impoverish ourselves because “in the big picture, the future is all that matters”. Such thinking throughout history has one motivation, shared by many: “We need more money”.

The desire to get money from neighbors, without actually providing any free-market goods or services that their neighbors actually want in return, is a constant hallmark of left-wing elitists for centuries. Leftist grabbers seized the monasteries and convents of England, because, “In the big picture, we cannot be tyrannized by The Church.” While spewing such pieties, they stole a third of the land in England.

In the latter half of the 1800s, “common schools” were a rallying point for well-to-do farmers and businessmen who wanted jobs for their over-educated children. “In the big picture, we need better education.”, they said, as they laid plans to put themselves on schools boards with enough taxing and hiring authority to give jobs to relatives who’d become certified teachers. Today, the nation staggers under the burden of public education and the illiteracy and ignorance that increasingly accompanies it.

The Small Picture

When we focus on our communities, our families, our jobs, and ourselves, we see that those who obsess about “the big picture” do everything they can to hurt us and all that is close to us. That comes as no surprise. We are regaled in the paid media by the need to focus on “the big picture”, and know that most of what the “big picture people” say consists of exaggerations and outright frauds passed on to benefit them and their paying clients.

The Biggest Picture

When we try to focus on our tiny, immortal, souls and on The Loving Programmer, we find ourselves considering a picture big enough to include everything in space and time that’s necessary for us to see. The “Big Picture” people never see that, in the Biggest Picture, they have souls headed inexorably for judgment.

We who attempt to get a view of something very small, our eternal soul, and the Biggest Being of All, The Loving Programmer, Who programmed and downloaded us human programs into His huge Creation Program, should not let ourselves be distracted by the lesser concerns of those who only want to consider their idea of “the big picture”.

Their “big picture” is a remarkably small and transitory portrayal of immediate need that includes little more than increasing the contents of their billfolds.
