The bubbles of fear are bursting. Fearmongers are losing their jobs.

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

There is an odd, unpleasant sort of person in the big bulge of the bell curve.  They  are not smart enough to get “intellectual” jobs and are too proud to do the sort of work that requires getting their hands dirty.

Many of them find that they can make a living by selling scary lies to people.  They tell us that each identifiable thing and process is dangerous, deadly, and must be studied, regulated, and controlled.  “Be afraid.”, they say.  “Be very afraid.”

The Fearmongers have convinced many to be afraid of Global Warming/Freezing.  They have invented the Rising/Falling Sea Level Fears,

They have evoked Fear of Metals, Fear of Electricity, Fear of Airborne Pollutants, Fear of Water Pollution, Fear of Dirt Contamination. Fear, fear, and more fear is their stock in trade.

Things are changing.  Now, the internet debunks a lot of fears.  As a result, most of the remaining fearful are those poor, confused minds on the left side of the bell curve.  They are near, or are, the truly stupid.

As more people find truth on the internet, the IQ of those believing in the latest fears has gone down.  Now, only morons and fearmongers believe, or profess to believe, in once-faddy fears like Global Warming, or that infinitesimal amounts of mercury will automatically have deadly consequences.

The bubbles of fear are bursting.  Fearmongers are losing their jobs.  Funding limitations have reduced the monies available for all but the most credible fears, and even they are having a hard time.  When someone tells us of “obese children”, for instance,  more people than ever simply respond by saying, “Get a real job.”

The bubbles of fear are bursting.  Fearmongers are losing their jobs.  It’s about time.

Fearmongers work hard to find new fears with which to scare us.  How do we avoid being fooled by future fears?  We ask The Holy Wireless Connector to join us with truth.  When we ask His to show us  “Who benefits?”, we get closer to the truth.

