the Catholic billionaires beyond

Catholics know that earthly assets have no value after death.  Catholics use an earthly analogy to describe what’s coming.  The obedient among us are as:  the Catholic billionaires beyond.

After death there are only souls.  Mothers and fathers who bring immortal souls into the world who get into Heaven are the Catholic billionaires beyond.  Those who will be among the Catholic billionaires beyond follow four rules:

1.  Get married.

2.  Have children.

3.  Provide them with The Catholic Sacraments.  They are the promised  “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.  Jesus gave them to The Only Church He Decreed Into Being when He said to one man,  one time:  “I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

4.  Stay married.  Stay Catholic.

Those who bring children into the world and raise them to duplicate that life-loving process are blessed to be among the Catholic billionaires beyond.

We know there is a higher level!

Catholic priests encourage life-loving families who give birth to new generations of those who will be among the Catholic billionaires beyond.  Their lives have helped the obedient to be among the Catholic billionaires beyond.

Catholic priests provide The Body and Blood of Jesus.  Catholic families obey Jesus’ 14-time repeated call to Catholic Communion:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  They allow the Catholic billionaires beyond to receive The Body and Blood of Jesus and “have life in” them.

Catholic priests provide another “key to The Kingdom of Heaven”.  Jesus promised those ordained in living link with His First Catholic Bishops:  “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

As we realize that obedient Catholics are among the Catholic billionaires beyond, we get a glimpse of even higher orders.

The Catholic priests and religious who help so many of us to get to Heaven are at a higher level.

They are the Catholic trillionaires beyond!

Catholic Saints?  Quadrillionaires!


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