The Church Was Right on Birth Control and Abortion. Even Now, on the Verge of Annihilation, Most Won’t Admit it.


The Catholic Church was right on birth control and abortion.   In the past eighty years, most major Protestant denominations  have surrendered the lives of their children to the culture of death.  Most have conceded that a woman’s right to choose trumps a baby’s right to life.

Now, the formerly Catholic/Christian countries are being taken over by rapidly multiplying Moslems.  Suddenly, the importance of having more children is becoming blatantly obvious to those whose birth dearth has opened the door to invasion.

Why aren’t people saying:  “The Catholic Church was right, all along.  Christians should have obeyed The Church’s teaching on birth control and abortion.    If we had been obedient, we wouldn’t be on the verge of being exterminated.  The only way Christians can survive is to accept and obey Catholic teaching.”

An impartial observer would say:  “The Church was right.  I want to be right.  I will join The Church.”  Vanity keeps people from doing that, and is the cause of our decline.   That vanity is destroying their great-grandchildrens’ chances of salvation.

We were warned:  “The sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons.”  The punishment for heresy is extermination.
