The Dog Program. A Beloved Manifestation of God’s Intelligence.

In His Infinite Wisdom, God provided the Dog Programs to aid and assist His Human Programs. Like many of His programs, the Dog Program was designed for men to reprogram to fit different needs. Sometimes, the Dog Program was modified to produce short-legged dogs that could go down badger holes. Some Dog Program modifications produced long-legged dogs that could hunt antelope. Men programmed some dogs to herd sheep and cattle. Big, brave Dog Programs went into battle. Others were programmed to guide the blind. Some were programmed to point their noses at sitting birds. Others, to retrieve downed ducks and geese. Many were just there to keep us company, or provide alerts when danger threatened.

The Dog Program has taken many forms. Dog Shows, to Catholic Fundamentalists, are simply places where the different Dog Programs, from Irish Wolfhounds to tiny chihuahuas, are exhibited, admired, and rewarded by human programs who have become experts in evaluating the many re-programmings of the original Dog Program that dog breeders (re-programmers) have accomplished.

To Catholic Fundamentalists, the very genetic structures of underlying animal programs were programmed to provide people with something to do that would make their lives better while increasing their knowledge of the animal programs. At the same time, the process would show the most enlightened of them that the basic programs were written and downloaded for us by The Loving Programmer.

While it is true that “All roads lead to Rome.”, it is also true that “All programs lead to The Loving Programmer.” We should always endeavor to see the connection between anything that’s around us and He Who caused it to be there. Doing so helps draw us closer to The Programs as well as to The Loving Programmer.

The most important lesson that the Dog Program provides us human programs: We like dogs that don’t make messes in the house, don’t make unnecessary noises, and do what we tell them.
