The downhill slide to extinction begins with Protestantism.

The downhill slide to extinction begins with Protestantism. Many Catholics become Protestants. They have fewer children. In a generation or so, their descendants leave Protestantism for agnosticism, atheism, sports, and distractions.

Following generations have fewer grandchildren. Soon, entire families disappear from the earth.

Many ask “What has gone wrong with the world?” They avoid understanding: The downhill slide to extinction begins with Protestantism.

As Protestantism grows, often with help from the state, fewer people respect Jesus enough to obey Teachings of The Only Church He Founded. The Profiteers of Protestantism lead to the vanity of believing: “We know more than Jesus.”

As people and nations become prosperous, many conclude: “I don’t need to obey Jesus. I may do as I please. I can divorce and re-marry, no matter how it hurts my children. I may use abortion, pills, and implants. My desires are more important than the lives of my unborn children.”

Unborn children are killed by the billions. Those who destroy them ask: “What has gone wrong with the world?”

They do not want to see: The downhill slide to extinction begins with Protestantism. Protestantism justifies disobeying Jesus while promising Heaven. That is the worst lie on earth.

Every problem would be solved if more people obeyed The Only Church-Founding Decree of Jesus.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The downhill slide to extinction begins with Protestantism. It is reversed by respecting Jesus enough to follow The Teachings of The Only Church Jesus Founded.

The bizarre words that Jesus repeated 14 times apply to individuals, families, and nations: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

The downhill slide to extinction begins with Protestantism.
