The English are paying the price. The dumbest thing the English people did was to get rid of the Catholic Church. God began to turn away from them. By WWI, He had allowed the English government to march an entire generation of its young men into enemy machine guns. The English government had become the most brutal destroyer its people had seen since the Romans reacted to Queen Boadicea by slaughtering countless numbers of her people.
Employees of the British government, afraid to give up their jobs, kept WWII food rationing in place until the 1950s. Other government agencies let a flood of unskilled immigrants into the country. The influx of cheap labor decimated the formation of English families. Professional meddlers preferred that England’s working people were dependent on government programs rather than their ability to make an honest living.
At the same time, and for the same reasons, public education was made to decline. Now, with even more immigrants encouraged to come in to further destroy the remaining sane inhabitants of that de-sceptered isle, the smarter English are fleeing in droves.
God could, of course, help them drive out their government enemies. They have but to ask. They could ask Him for His aid most effectively by returning to, and bending the knee in, the Catholic Mass that was the center of their God-and-neighbor-loving religion for a thousand years.
They’d rather die.
And they will, hectored to death by the homicidal mediocrities who live only to lord it over them.