The “Fifth Seal” is frightening!

“When He broke The Fifth Seal, I saw underneath the Altar the souls of all the people who had been killed on account of The Word of God, for witnessing to it.”

One group of “witnesses” is easily seen.  Those “witnesses” chose death over disobeying Any Word of God.

We must think about all the “witnesses”.


Catholics know Creation was “Spoken into Being” by God’s Word.  Each person is “Spoken Into Being” at the moment of his or her conception.  Each person is a living “witness” to God’s Word from the moment of conception.


We were no bigger than a grain of salt at our conception.  All unborn children are living “witnesses” to the precious life given to them by God’s Word.

Billions of those living “witnesses” to God’s Word have been killed by abortion, pills, and implants.

What do God’s “witnesses” do in the time following their death?   St. John told us in Rev. 6: 9.

“They shouted aloud ‘Holy, faithful Master, how long will you wait before you pass sentence and take vengeance for our death on the inhabitants of the earth?'”


How did God answer His beloved “witnesses” cries for “Vengeance!”?

“Each of them was given a White Robe, and they were told to be patient a little while longer, until the roll was complete and their fellow brothers and servants had been killed just as they had been.”


We do not know how many more must be killed until the “roll” is “complete”.   When the “roll” is “complete”,  the end of the earth will come.

After that, The Judgment.


As each of us stands at Judgment, billions of white-robed souls will be sitting on our Jury.

They will still be crying for “Vengeance!”  What will their verdict on us be?  Will each of us have supported this Catholic Teaching:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”?

We will be one of two things, forever.  Innocent.  Or, Guilty.

Each of us has free will.  Our fate is up to us.

The “Fifth Seal” is frightening!

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