The Garden is Being Weeded More Quickly Than Ever

Today, our local paper reported three births and seven deaths. Two of the three births were to mothers and fathers who have different last names. It is not likely that many such children will grow up to have solid, stable families of their own. Many will end up as cannon fodder in the war on American children. White children are particularly vulnerable. They lack favored treatment at the various social agencies whose bureaucracies thrive on broken families.

To be sure, these families are not so much “broken” as “never put together”. The haters of every good things have encouraged them not to marry, and have promised to provide them with more funds if they remain single parents, eternally dependent.

We may also see in this destruction of America and the West that “the sins of the parents are visited upon the children”. Actually, it’s “sins of the fathers”, but in an age in which the deepest thinking consists of blurring the relationship between causes and effects, a new standard has arisen. The more people who can be blamed for one’s problems, the more one is in accord with a popular culture that thrives on blaming, taxing the blamed, and then repeating the process as often as possible.

More souls are being lost than ever. It is sad. It is heart-breaking. The causes have been described in Scripture. Those who have turned their face from God will suffer the awful effects of Him turning from them. One solution? Pray more. And, more.
