“the glorious company of Apostles”


Passages of St. John are summarized in one line in an ancient prayer, The Te Deum“We praise You, O God,  we acclaim You as Lord;  the glorious company of Apostles praise You.”

“the glorious company of Apostles” respects Jesus.  So, they respect His Word to Peter.   They recognize an important fact.  Peter is the only person in History to whom Jesus chose to Speak His Church-Founding Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.

God’s obedient servants are in “the glorious company of Apostles”.


Things have opposites.   So, there is a “less glorious company”.  Those in the “less glorious company” avoid Jesus’ Actual, Church-Founding Word!

The “less glorious company” prefers their own ideas.   “Jesus has to let us into Heaven!  We believe in Him!  We are born again!  We have a ‘personal relationship’ with Jesus!  We do not need to obey His Church-Founding Word!”
 God’s “glorious company of Apostles”  know that such “belief” can be a step to obedience.  For many, it is a dead-end.

“the glorious company of Apostles” is led by Catholic priests and religious.  They are ordained in Living Link with the 12 Apostles.    In all humanity, they were personally chosen by Jesus.  They may have been created by Jesus!  Everyone who is blessed to respectfully follow “the glorious company of Apostles” knows one fact!

“Jesus is always right!”


Catholics know that “Jesus is always right!”  We are literally driven to our knees in gratitude!  Jesus has let us grasp the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that He left on earth!

To whom did Jesus leave those “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”?

Catholics know!  He left them to “the glorious company of Apostles”!

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