The heart of sin: “I want you to go to hell with me.”

The heart of sin: “I want you to go to hell with me.”

Sinners lead others to sin. Kids who smoke say to others, “Try a cigarette!” Those who take drugs say, “You will like this!” Those involved in sex and pornography encourage others to join them in their sins.

45,000 self-serving men have invented their own Protestant denominations. They urge others to disobey Jesus.

“Follow us! We know more than Jesus! We ignore The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

They all agree: “You must follow us! We know more than Jesus!”

They know they are disobeying Jesus. They ignore that it is impossible for those who willfully and knowingly disobey Him to be forever be among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics realize that Protestants are really saying. “I have chosen to disobey Jesus. I want you to disobey Jesus, too!”

The heart of sin: “I want you to go to hell with me.” is obvious.

They hide behind the usual lies. “We want to help you be happy and fulfilled! Jesus wants you to be happy! Jesus wants you to be ‘born again’! Jesus wants you to ‘get back to The Bible’! Jesus wants you to avoid The Only Church He Founded! We know more than Jesus!”

Protestantism’s First Commandment is “I will have no God before Me!” The eternal consequences are tragic. “I do not want my soul to go to Heaven if I have to obey Jesus to get there! I want to get to Heaven on my own! I will not let God tell me what to do!”

The heart of sin: “I want you to go to hell with me.”

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