The “Key” Catholic Connection opens our door to obedience.

The “keys”! The “keys”? The “keys”! The “keys”! The “keys”! It’s all about those “keys”!

Question 1: “Why are Catholics different from other believers?”

Answer: “Catholics believe that Every Word of Jesus Christ is Truth!”


Question 2: “Don’t all Christians believe that Every Word of Jesus Christ is ‘Truth’?”

Answer: “They say they believe that!”


Question 3: “How are Catholics different?”

Answer: “We realize that belief without obedience is meaningless. The more Words of Jesus that a person disobeys, the more meaningless their ‘faith’ is.”


Question 4: “If we do not obey Words of Jesus, what do we obey?”

Answer: “Our desires.”


Question 5: “Is Willful Protestantism a way for 48,000 denominations of people to believe what they want and go to Heaven?”

Answer: “That is why Willful Protestantism is so popular.”


Question 6: “Should we both believe and obey God?”

Answer: “Catholics know. Obedience is ‘the key’!”


Question 7: “What did Jesus say about the importance of obeying His Teachings?

Answer: “Revelation 2:10 is clear! ‘Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.’


Question 8: “What if we ‘remain faithful’ to Some Teachings of Jesus?”

Answer: “Catholics know we must not be unfaithful to Any Teaching of Jesus Christ!


Question 9: “Does Jesus want us to ‘remain faithful’ to The Word with Which Jesus Christ Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church into Being? ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’

Answer: “Jesus wants everyone to unite belief in Him with obedience to Every Word He Spoke!”


Question 10: “What do Catholics gain by obeying That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “Jesus tells us in His Next Word! ‘I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 11: “How can Catholics help our neighbors get those ‘keys’?”

Answer: “We remind them of a Simple Fact! Jesus Christ has those ‘keys’ and He gives them only to: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 12: “Is obeying Jesus the only ‘key’ that will open our door to Heaven?”

Answer: “Obedience is the only ‘key’ that can give us ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ while we are on earth!”

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