A well-run circus keeps the animals safely locked away. Monkeys are clever. They have to be carefully locked inside cages. If they get out, they cause havoc.
Good circus management begins with keeping the monkeys under control.
If the monkeys get out, they will go straight for the food, especially candy. If they get into the front office, they’ll make an awful mess. They’ll tip over cabinets, throw papers every where, destroy files, and break whatever they can.
But, sometimes, the monkeys will get into the cash box. Then, the more cunning of them think: “We have the money. We can buy things!” Suddenly, the monkeys have taken over the circus.
Then, one of them may discover the checkbook. Finally, after the monkeys have taken over the circus, they are able to borrow money from banks! They’re used to getting dressed up in chimpanzee-sized suits, and smoking cigars, and scratching their heads. So, their front man go to the local bank, and borrow whatever they need.
Soon, their assets run out. The sheriff is sent to foreclose. The circus is shut down. Its assets are sold. All the jobs are lost. Families are destroyed.
Terrible things happen, shortly after the monkeys have taken over the circus.