The most important “Book” in the world is the one we write!

.     Over a hundred billion people have written a ‘Book of Life’.  Only Catholics can imagine how huge Heaven’s Library is!


Question 1:  “I never wrote a book!”

Answer:  “Yes, you did!   We all write a ‘Book’!    Every word we speak and every deed we do is written in our ‘Book of Life’.  Every hour, each of us writes lines in our ‘Book of Life’.   Every day, we write a new page!  Every month, we write a new chapter.  Every year, we write a new volume!”


Question 2:  “Who will read my ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer:   “You read from your ‘Book of Life’ every time you remember and regret something you said or did that was wrong.”


Question 3:  “Who else reads from my ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer:  “It has many readers!   Parts of our ‘Book of Life’ are written in the memories of every person we affected by our words and deeds.   Our ‘Book of Life’  is continually read and updated by Angelic Editors who work in God’s Library in Heaven.”


Question 4:  “What do the words in our ‘Book of Life’ show the reader?”

Answer:   “Our ‘Book of Life’ is a record of all the good and bad things we said and did.   It also records the good and bad things we could have said and done but failed to do.”


Question 5:   “Is this ‘Book of Life’ in The Bible?”

Answer:  “Revelation 20:11-15 tells us what God wants us to know about our ‘Book of Life’.   ‘Then I saw a great white throne and The One who was sitting on it.  In His presence, earth and sky vanished, leaving no trace.   I saw the dead, great and small alike, standing in front of His throne while the books lay open.  And another book was opened, which is the book of life, and the dead were judged from what was written in the books, as their deeds deserved.’


Question 6:  “Do all those ‘Books’ contain our ‘Book of Life’?”

Answer:   “Yes!  Everything we have done might have been reduced to a number comparing our good words and deeds with the bad.   It may be as simple as  + 1 or  – 1!   If Dante is correct, those sent to hell may numbered between -1 and -9.   -9 represents the lowest circle of hell.”


Question 7:  “Do Catholics have an advantage when This Day comes?  ‘The sea gave up all the dead who were in it;  Death and Hades were emptied of the dead that were in them;  and every one was judged as his deeds deserved.  Then Death and Hades were hurled into the burning lake.  This burning lake is the second death;   and anybody whose name could not be found written in the book of life was hurled into the burning lake.’

Answer:  “Only Catholics think clearly enough to understand!    The Power that Jesus Christ gave only to His Catholic priests in John 20:23 can help us more than anything on earth at Judgment Day!   ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’!”

Many do not think clearly about that.   They write this in their ‘Book of Life’:   ‘I would rather be thrown into ‘the lake of fire’ than believe That Word of Jesus Christ.'”

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