The most ridiculous Protestant teaching of all

The most ridiculous Protestant teaching of all recently appeared in a comment on an article. Someone defending The Profiteers of Protestantism announced to the world:

“I am being crucified with Jesus!”

Has vanity ever been so swollen? Has self-righteousness ever been so blatant?

Have the effects of Protestantism on rational thought ever been so clear?

We know that Jesus was scourged to the bone! He was crowned with thorns jammed into His Holy Head! He was forced to carry His Cross! Nails were driven through His hands and feet! He was painfully jarred when His Cross was dropped into the hole dug for it. The Lamb of God died in agony!

2,000 years later, a Protestant who had suffered none of those things pompously announced, “I am being crucified with Jesus!”

The man who provided The most ridiculous Protestant teaching of all lives in a nice house. He has electricity! A computer! Plenty to eat and drink! He is able to travel the world at will. He is spending his life avoiding “being crucified with Jesus”!

He has the arrogance to say, “I am being crucified with Jesus!”

Catholics realize: “If he says that in front of a group of Protestants, none of them will snicker at him for being utterly ridiculous!”

The most ridiculous Protestant teaching of all is accepted by those with little sense of perspective! Such absolute nonsense is thought to be rational by those led into confusion by The Profiteers of Protestantism!

When they hear The most ridiculous Protestant teaching of all, many nod wisely, as if they have heard something intelligent! Some will write little notes in the Bibles they carry:

“Our Pastor is being crucified with Jesus!”

None of them will notice: “Our pastor is not being crucified with Jesus. Our pastor doesn’t even take Holy Vows of Poverty, Celibacy and Obedience. Our pastor disrespects Jesus so much that He willfully disobeys The Only Church-Founding Decree of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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