The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded The Creation Program to separate sheep from goats. All there is was put in place for The Universal Movie set. Props and set decorations range from giant galaxies to sub-electron particles.
How did His Programming Assistants put all the stars in the sky? They pushed the “Celestial Repeat Button”. Each time they did so, free-wheeling galaxies, or the light from them, popped into being. Slight variations were programmed into the Celestial Repeat. “I’ll make them all a little different, just so they’ll have something to think about even after they invent their telescopes.”, He explained to the Angels in that Department.
Earth Programmers had their problems. “It has to be hotter than the sun, inside, and have water on the surface that doesn’t boil away! This is the biggest programming challenge of all!”, the Angelic Stagehands exulted as the huge, complex programs were downloaded in three dimensions.
The tiny Snowflake Design Team had an equally hard job. “He wants, like trillions of quadrillions of quadrillions of snowflakes and not one of them can look like another? That’s going to be fun!” they said, as that incredibly complicated program was downloaded among the clouds.
Programming Assistants in the P & A Department had similar instructions. “We have to make all these living, replicating Plant and Animal Programs and make them look as if they could have ‘evolved’ by accident.” Tooth and claw programmers worked together with the heart and lung stagehands, and all the other P & A Programming Assistants. They got it done!
The Loving Programmer was involved as necessary, but spent most of His effort on the incredibly complicated Free Will Program. “I want Adam’s brain to absorb any part of The Creation Program, understand something about it, and relate it to others. His mind has to have as many neural connections as necessary to contain within it varying sizes of views of The Creation Program. While some Human Programs will be smarter than others, none are able to prove that I have programmed things so convincingly that anyone is forced to believe in Me.”
As we see that science is merely the study of movie props, we better see The New Catholic Cosmology. He programs in particles and energies. The New Catholic Cosmology simply recognizes that God is able to program in three dimensions.