The New Catholic Cosmology 4

Catholic Fundamentalism looks at St. Peter and sees the literal, and chemical, truth in Jesus’ words: “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church . . .”

Human bones are so chemically similar to limestone that limestone flour (finely powdered limestone) is source of calcium used to supplement human bone growth requirements. From the Catholic Fundamentalism point of view, the bones of a human are, chemically, limestone rock.

Jesus surely knew that when He said “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Where are Peter’s bones?

They are buried beneath the High Altar of The Vatican. His crypt was there when Emperor Constantine provided The Catholic Church with its first building. A thousand years later, it was replaced with the Vatican.

During repairs after WWII, a crypt was found with the words “Here lies Peter.” Directly above the crypt was a passage through which the robes of newly ordained Bishops were lowered to be sanctified by closeness to The Bones of Peter.

The very bones of St. Peter are chemically similar to limestone. He is buried beneath The Vatican which was built over the rock-like limestone from which his bones are made.

So, Jesus was literally, and chemically, correct in what is actually a widely overlooked prophecy: “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church . . .” ‘Lo and behold! There is His Church. It’s right on top of the limestone rock of St. Peter’s bones! The actual “rock” of Peter was, and continues to be, the foundation of The Only Church Jesus Founded!

The Catholic Church is more than mere symbolism. It is built on truth in the physical world, as well!

Catholics embrace such insights. Protestants? They realize the Catholic Fundamentalism truth of The New Catholic Cosmology, but realize that widespread acceptance of that would hurt their cash flows.

Non-Catholic clergy do not want their donors saying: “Wait a minute! Jesus actually said ‘Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ and St. Peter’s bones are actually a form of limestone rock over which The Vatican is built! If I take Jesus seriously, I have no choice but to take a long look at Catholic Fundamentalism, The New Catholic Cosmology, and get on the New Road to Rome!”

That’s the way it is. Winnowing, separating wheat from chaff, has been taking place since Jesus said “Thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Amazing that anyone would choose to be chaff.
