The news is written and downloaded by a huge software program. The news program recycles the same stories, over and over.

Today, a “news” story told readers and viewers that “polar bears are in grave danger of communicable diseases”.  It’s a typical “news” story that recycles, over and over.  In past decades, polar bears have  reported to be endangered once a week.   Every week, a story is automatically written and downloaded about polar bears being “threatened”, “endangered”, “stressed”, and “having a more difficult time than ever coping with change”.

It has been suggested that some of the “reporters” who crank out these stories are simply liars.  There are no reporters.  The “news” is much more complicated than paying people to write lies.  No modern organization wants to pay salaries, benefits, and pensions for such people.  Instead, what we are encouraged to think of as “news” is actually written and downloaded by powerful software programs.

The News Software is designed to repeat frequently to save money and to keep from confusing the less intelligent absorbers.  So, “news” stories are endlessly recycled.  The News Software recycles about  fifty different  “news” stories  every day.  Over time, new stories will emerge as new ways to separate citizens from their money are discovered.

The News Software cycle goes from Monday to Thursday.  Fridays are reserved for stories that are to be buried over the following two days as they’re combined with re-runs of old news stories.   Each News Cycle needs one daily report on the damage caused by global warming/freezing.    In each four day period, there is always one, and often two, “news” stories that explain why ice ages came and went.  Such “news” describes the many imaginary comets, giant meteors, and shifts in the earth’s poles that are suggested to have caused them.  The causal factors of these “problems” are generated randomly by the News Software Program that provides most of what’s “new” in the “news”.

There are other subjects in the “news”.  Some are of “human interest”.  Two or three stories appear daily about starlets who’ve been photographed while wearing clothing that’s  “too revealing”.  Another daily story appears about one or more starlets whose drug problems are destroying her life.  Additional “human interest news” includes otherwise unremarkable people going through a difficult divorce, separation, marriage, re-marriage, tattoo choice, or adoption.  Other such stories include opinions about wigs, clothing preferences, favorite shoes, pets, cars, and places that starlets like to travel.

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Each news cycle must have at least two reminders of the suffering caused by the dreaded white males.  At least one of those stories must be accompanied by information about the  “war on women”.   The News Software Program makes no references to women being murdered by honor killings, forced to undergo painful clitorectomies, or reduced to virtual slavery in much of the world.  Such things are erased whenever they are found.

The News Program recycles the same stories, over and over.

The News Program is written to distract citizens from real problems and real solutions.  Only a  few of them are bright enough to realize that the “News” is actually a rather crude and primitive program.  It recycles and distributes the same stories, over and over,with minor modifications written by the familiar News Program that provides us with the news.

Once in a while something “new” appears on the news, as when a ship sinks or there’s a fire or tornado.  Such occurrences are only allowed to appear after such a happening is adjusted to fit within the accepted message of the news:  more regulations are necessary.



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