As we get older, Smarter People worry about One Thing!

As we get older, smarter people worry about One Thing: “Reducing Risks”!

As we get older, smarter people worry about One Thing: “Reducing Risks”!


Question 1: “Why do smarter people worry about ‘Reducing Risks’ as we get older?”

Answer: “We worry about ‘Reducing Risks’ to our immortal soul at God’s Judgment.”


Question 2: “How do smarter people ‘Reduce Risks’ to their soul?”

Answer: “Smarter people think as intelligently as Pascal, the man who invented statistics! ‘I will live as if I have an immortal soul. Obeying God is a helpful way to go through life, so I will be Catholic.’


Question 3: “Why did Pascal decide to ‘Be Catholic’?”

Answer: “Risk Reduction! Catholics are the only people who get the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ from He Who died to leave them to The First Catholic Pope: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 4: “Can someone who is not Catholic get the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus died to leave to The First Catholic Pope?”

Answer: “The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church that miraculously spread over the entire world tells us: ‘People of good will may get into Heaven if they are not Catholic through no fault of their own.’


Question 5: “Nearly every person on earth has gone by a Catholic Church and seen an image of The Crucified Jesus. Is it their ‘fault’ if they do not find out why That Sacred Image is in every Catholic Church on earth?”

Answer: “Many are too confused to think intelligently about why Jesus let that happen to Him.”


Question 6: “Most people are raised in nations controlled by people who hate God, their neighbors, and The Catholic Church. Can Victims of Protestantism get into Heaven?”

Answer: “That’s up to God. As we get older, smarter people realize: ‘I Reduce Risk by living so that my soul will go to God’s Judgment among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 7: “How much time do we need to be among His ‘obedient friends’?”

Answer: “Days and hours before death give many people enough time to ask God for His Mercy to forgive them for rejecting The Catholic Church His Beloved Son died to Speak Into Being on Earth.”


Question 8: “What if our soul leaves our body before we have time to do that?”

Answer: “Pascal became Catholic as soon as he realized what smarter people know: ‘I must start Reducing Risks Right Now!

~ is “simple reasons to be Catholic”.
