The phrase “fossil fuels” is a huge lie.

Let’s think about “fossil fuels.”  The phrase “fossil fuels” is a huge lie, a lie so big that it’s hard for Catholic Fundamentalists to think about it with a straight face.

The lie represents a confluence of two rivers of liars.  First, there are the liars who want to  “Separate people from God.”   They invent, use, and make standard the use of words, phrases, and ideas that separate people from God.  Believing in evolution, and a 20 billion year old universe, separates people from thinking about The Loving Programmer Who wrote and downloaded The Creation Program mere thousands of years ago. 

Why do they want to distance people from God?  People who don’t think about the reality and power of God are easier to corrupt.  Their souls are more easily devoured by the other side.  So, they hear without realizing that the phrase “fossil fuels” is a huge lie.

The second river of lies comes from those who use the illusion of scarcity to prop up prices and increase margins of products they sell.  If those in the business of selling natural gas, coal, methane, and oil as “fossil fuels” convince us that such energy sources actually do come from fossils, then we are easily convinced that “We’re running out of fossil fuels!” 

The fact is that methane exists on the moons of Jupiter.  No fossils, there.  Many have known for years that earth’s oil and natural gas are produced in such vast quantities by the instense heat from decaying radium and uranium deep underground.   That heat turns subterreanean minerals into natural gas, methane, and oil so unstoppably that some fields have produced oil for centuries, without running out.  And, some gas fires have been burning for centuries.  The supplies are continually replenished from below.
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The more aware that people become of how many billions of barrels of oil there are, the older the earth has to be made in order to have it produced by the processes they allege to be producing it.  So, the two rivers of lies grow ever larger to wash such truths away from public awareness.  As a result, few people are aware that the phrase “fossil fuels” is a huge lie. 

First, we may understand that  the phrase “fossil fuels” is a huge lie.  Then, we may understand just how immense a lie it is.  It is about as big a lie as has been told.

As a result of getting people to believe such a lie, energy prices go far higher and people are made far poorer.  Even worse, as a result of the huge lies that have come together in “fossil fuels”, many no longer believe in a God powerful enough to be worth asking for help.

P.S.  Some ask “Isn’t coal a fossil fuel?”  No.  When The Flood washed trillions of tons of water around and around the earth, the wave distorted and “pumped” oil from the deep, sub-crust layers where it was produced.  It was forced, literally squirted, under immense pressures, into the layers of rock as they were laid down by that part of The Creation Program.  When the waters dissapated, some of the oil-like substances hardened, and turned into what we call “coal”.


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