The Problem is, it’s Hard to Find a Problem

When we look at the economic health of our nation, we are struck with one very bright spot:  American workers are producing more than ever:                                             

In the last forty years, the number of Americans who have jobs producing goods has dropped from seventeen and a half million to eleven and a half million.  At the same time, manufacturing output has increased from a trillion and a half to 3.2 trillion dollars.  If this continues, in forty more years, six million people will be producing 6.4 trillion dollars worth of goods.

This chart shows more clearly how much more productive each American worker has become in the past 40 years.  If they become as much more efficient in the next forty years, we can see that each worker in 2050 will be producing over three times as many goods as today, an increase to about a million dollars a year in goods for each production employee.

That’s another staggering change.  The only thing that could change it is some “help” from the government.  The most important question is, “What are all those people who aren’t needed to make things going to be doing?”

We certainly have not seen manufacturing wages keep pace with productivity.  There is no sign that we will see that in the future.  So, where does all the money go?

Lots of it will end up profiting a few corporate officers and large shareholders.  They seem to soak up most of the profits provided by increased efficiencies.  A lot of it goes into taxes, paying for the less productive sectors of society.

All rich countries produce.  The more they produce, the richer they are.  The less they produce, the poorer they are.  Wealth goes up and down with levels of production.  Most governments know this, and are able to keep the angry, bitter haters of progress away from the production processes.  In recent years, they have been allowed, using “environmentalism” as an excuse, to meddle with the production of electricity, oil, diesel, and gasoline.  We are in serious danger because such people are actually not bright enough to understand that they are so full of hate they’re imperiling their own well-being.
