The Profiteers of Protestantism pave the way for tyranny

The Profiteers of Protestantism pave the way for tyranny. Greedy men hate The Catholic Church for teaching“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Tyrants agree: “I hate my neighbors! I want to take their property! I want to make them into as many slaves as I need and kill the rest.”

Catholics know that The Only Church Jesus Founded provides some control over ego-crazed politicians. “If they destroy The Church, there’s no stopping them!”

Luther provided an example. Rich, greedy men wanted more. “Martin, you want to be rich, important, and have sex. We’ll support you while you invent ways to undermine The Catholic Church so we can seize Catholic assets!”

After he weakened The Church, Luther caused “The Peasant’s War.” The nobles won, inspired by Luther’s encouragement to “Kill the German pigs!” Tens of thousands died.

England soon showed how Profiteers of Protestantism pave the way for tyranny. After a thousand years, The Church was using almost a third of England’s land to support Churches, schools, universities, orphanages, hospitals, and accommodations for the poor.

Profiteers of Protestantism in England realized: “We can steal that land for ourselves! Our King’s brain has been destroyed by bad concussions, and probably, syphilis. All he thinks about is sex. We can make the raving nitwit declare himself ‘Pope’! Then, we’ll make him give that twenty million acres of Church property to us!”

Catholics monasteries and convents became manor houses and vast estates for England’s Profiteers of Protestantism.

A million Catholics were killed throughout The British Isles. Their properties were also taken over by The Profiteers of Protestantism.

When The Profiteers of Protestantism came to America, they realized: “We have guns! Indians don’t! We can kill them and steal their land!”

Land-Grabbing Protestants spent the next 250 years killing Indians and stealing their lands. Catholics, on the other hand, built schools, churches and hospitals for Native Americans in the lands they settled. As a result, about 90% of peoples in lands that Catholics settled still have Indian DNA.

Tyrannical governments in Cuba and Venezuela took power after The Profiteers of Protestantism sent “missionaries” to weaken The Church in their countries. The tyrants welcomed them!

The Government of The Philippines is now welcoming many, many missionaries. Catholics know why! The Profiteers of Protestantism pave the way for tyranny.
