The Protestant clergy and birth control.

In all of Christendom, no one wants to deal with this issue:  The Protestant clergy and birth control.   Catholic Fundamentalism will consider:

The Protestant clergy and birth control.  Important issues arise.

1. Some birth control pills have chemicals that work by killing the tiniest of unborn babies.  How do Protestants know that their own clergy are not destroying their own unborn children?

2.  All birth control causes users to “spill their seed on the ground”.  This is in clear contradiction to the Bible and to traditional Christian practices that kept most Protestant denominations firmly against birth control until the 1930s.  Today, those in the schisms must live with the knowledge they are subsidizing being told to ignore one, and by implication, any  inconvenient part of the Bible.  Why?   The Protestant clergy and birth control.

A serious concern for those who realize their souls are going to Judgment:  as Christian countries birth-control themselves out of existence, God may impute guilt to those who subsidize The Protestant clergy and birth control.

An additional issue must be considered.  Clergy in The Catholic Church are required to be celibate, as was Jesus.  Modern Protestants accept accept “spilling their seed on the ground” for themselves and their spiritual leaders.  Their clergy do not even require that they, themselves, refrain from using birth control chemicals that kill the smallest of babies.  Nor do the vast majority of them say a word about their congregations doing so.

This great gap between Catholic and Protestant may cause Jesus, at Judgment, to say:  “You remained in, and funded, a denomination led by those who would not condemn spilling your seed on the ground or using deadly chemicals that killed the smallest of babies.  You saw the difference between your practice and teaching and the celibacy of My priests, and you ignored it.  Your donations  and presence allowed the sin and killing to go on.   Should anyone be allowed in Heaven after a lifetime of leading, tolerating, and funding denominational death and disobedience?”

God’s negative answer to that question may be the awful cost of subsidizing The Protestant clergy and birth control.


