The Protestant Mistake: “I believe in Jesus. I’m going to Heaven.”

. Jesus wants everyone to get into His boat. What is His ‘boat’? The Barque of Peter!


Question 1: “Jesus was clear in John 11:25-26: ‘I am The Resurrection. . . whoever lives and believes in Me will never die.’ Did Jesus tell us that all we need to do get to Heaven is to ‘believe’ in Him?”

Answer: “Jesus did not say ‘where’ the soul of every ‘believer’ would live forever.”


Question 2: “What does that mean?”

Answer: “Jesus was clear! Anyone who ‘lives and believes in Me will never die.’ Jesus did not say ‘where’ a believer’s soul would live forever.'”


Question 3: “What does that mean?”

Answer: “Every believer’s soul will live forever in one of two places. Each will live in the eternal joys of Heaven or in the everlasting agonies of hell.”


Question 4: “What must every ‘believer’ do to get our immortal soul into Heaven?”

Answer: “We must strive to be in The Special Group Jesus described in John 15:14! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 5: “How do His ‘obedient friends’ get into Heaven?”

Answer: “Jesus gives His ‘obedient friends’ the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 6: “Where do His ‘obedient friends’ get those ‘keys’?”

Answer: “From The Only Church Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 7: “Do only Catholics get those ‘keys’?”

Answer: “No one who willfully and knowingly chooses to reject His Word, Church, or ‘keys’ may have them.”


Question 8: “Why isn’t it enough to just ‘believe’?”!

Answer: “If we freely choose to disobey Any Word of Jesus, we have broken The First Commandment, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me’.”


Question 9: “Is disobeying Any Word of Jesus putting our opinions and beliefs ‘before God’?”

Answer: “Jesus was very clear about that in John 10:30. ‘I and The Father are One.’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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