“The Scourge of God”

In the middle ages, Moslem raiders ravaged thousands of towns and cities along the European coast. Whenever and wherever they could, they killed all the men and sold the women and children into the cruelest slavery. They were called “The Scourge of God”.

Today, swarms of their modern counterparts immigrate into European and American countries. Backed with endless funds from Moslem governments desperate to get rid of the people they cannot employ, their governments pay massive bribes to co-opt the media and most public officials in the nations they invade.

Big bribes are paid to whomever necessary so that their invasion may be seen in the most favorable light. At the same time, citizens of once-free countries are intentionally distracted from dealing with this, the biggest invasion to face Europe since Genghis Khan, with such silliness as “Climate Change” and “deadly pollutants”. More minds are focused on “obese children” than on the growing hordes of destroyers that have appeared among defenseless Europeans.

The aggressive, organized immigrants put huge fiscal burdens on social welfare agencies. No one publicizes the bankrupting burdens they intentionally put on the nations they’ve invaded, even as native people wonder why there’s no money for them.

Since most of Europe has replaced The Catholic Church with a worship of their swollen governments, there is no encouragement for anyone to focus on solving their biggest problem. Formerly Christian peoples can only hope their lifestyles can be maintained until they die. Their taxes are raised, their businesses are destroyed, and birth levels plummet.

Those working the hardest for unrestrained spending are the employees of their own governments. They have absolutely no other way to make the livings to which they’ve become accustomed than to plunder their own increasingly impoverished neighbors. The only source of the bribes the greediest among them need to maintain their luxurious lifestyles are Moslem governments, awash in oil money, who bribe them to absorb their own, excess populations.

In the Exodus, as soon as Moses ascended the mountain, the twelve tribes turned away from the God Who had delivered them from Pharaoh. No sooner was Moses out of sight than they began to worship a golden calf. Moses came down from the mountain, destroyed the apostates, and restored belief.

Today, no Moses has come down from the mountain. God has turned His Face away from us exactly in proportion to the degree we have turned our faces from Him.
