The scourge of God fell

When the Twelve Tribes, from whom most European/American Caucasians are descended, strayed, the scourge of God fell upon them.  The scourge took the form of invading Assyrians, Philistines, Egyptians, and Babylonians.

The Tribes were split when Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, raised taxes.  Later, the scourge of God fell.  The Ten Northern tribes were deported, many ending up around the Caucasus Mountains in the years following 720 B.C.  From there, they spread through Stone Age Europe the same way their Caucasian descendants would move through the Americas a thousand years later.

In Europe and the Americas, the Christian Caucasians, descended from the sons of Jacob, were His instrument when they, the scourge of God fell upon the  idol-worshipers.   Their demonic religions, which embraced human sacrifice, cannibalism, hate, and slavery, were scourged.

We whose ancestors were once the scourge are, in our time, the ones who deserve the scourging we are receiving.  When the Visigoths of Spain became corrupted, the scourge of God fell upon them, first through the corruption of their own government, then, from the Moslem onslaught.

Today, the Caucasian, European, and American nations and peoples descended from the Tribes have, themselves, descended into the same apostasy and heresy that God, and our ancestors, hated.  We are ruled by governments that have, universally, embraced the  sacrifice of the unborn.  Baal reigns.

As the scourge of God fell upon our enemies when they were God’s enemies, it now falls on us.  Those who would destroy us, Communists and Moslems, are His scourge.  Those enemies are in our midst.  They are doing His work;  scourging us.

Pray that He will forgive us our sins, fill us with His love, and deliver us from evil.
