The “Self-Righteous Religion” that older Protestants prefer.


.                                     May older Protestants get the “keys” that save souls from self-righteousness.


Question 1:  “What Big Mistake do older Protestants make?”

Answer:  “They support denominations that have abandoned many Christian teachings.”


Question 2:  “What Christian Teachings have Protestants abandoned?”

Answer:  “Protestants used to agree with This Catholic Teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’   Then, The Profiteers of Protestantism gave into donor demands for artificial birth control.  Protestant denominations no longer protect ‘life from conception until natural death.’


Question 3:  “What other Christian Teachings have modern Protestants abandoned?”

Answer:  “Older Protestants remember!  Their denominations once encouraged chastity and discouraged divorce.   Now, Protestant denominations allow whatever donors want.   Billions of souls are lost to sins that Protestants are afraid to condemn.”


Question 4:  “What do Protestants do when The Profiteers of Protestantism replace Christian Teachings with popular fads?”

Answer:   “They start new denominations!   Jesus Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church now has over 48,000 Protestant Denominations confusing His Word to the world!”


Question 5:  “Older Protestants see the confusion!   Why aren’t they Catholic and consistently Christian?”

Answer:  “Older Protestants prefer their ‘Self-Righteous Religion’.  It has Two Teachings.  1.  ‘We love to praise each other for being able to see how bad things are.’   2.  ‘We give money to new Profiteers of Protestantism who always make things worse.’


Question6:  “Do they think Jesus wants them to do that?”

Answer:  “Most older Protestants do not think clearly about what He wants!   They reject The Only Church Spoken Into Being by This Holy Word of Jesus Christ!   ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; .  .  .’


Question 7:  “Why don’t older Protestants think clearly about what rejecting those ‘keys’ does to their immortal souls at Judgment?”

Answer:  “Many minds are too confused by pride to think clearly about Who said this to them in John 15:14:  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

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