The Silent War Around Us: One Government Agency Battling For Funding Hurts Another.

In cities and countless small towns, large senior-citizen housing complexes have been built. For a comparative pittance, senior citizens, some as young as 55, can move into a low-rent apartment with minimal utility payments. These imposing edifices are particularly obvious in small towns. There, hundred-unit masonry buildings are often the biggest structures to be seen.

There simply aren’t enough young people to buy all the houses of all the senior citizens forced to move into the government’s senior citizen barracks. So, there is a glut of empty homes. The resulting vacant houses are being burned, demolished, or standing vacant to be plundered of copper by young drug addicts. Inevitably, they are pulling down the values of adjoining properties.

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Few educators are bright enough to understand that the cunning bureaucrats in the Senior Citizen Housing Bubble are shrinking the vastly bigger Public Education bubble.


The Great Confusion in every human mind is shown in ‘words’ spoken by our “tongue”! ~ Question 24: “What is The Great Confusion in our mind that is shown by ‘words’ from our ‘tongue’?” Answer: “James 3:9-10 describes The Great Confusion! ‘We use our tongue to bless the Lord and Father, but we also use […]

The Book of Wisdom leads us to The Holy Trinity so that our souls may shine with The Glory of God. ~ Question 1:  How does Wisdom 13:1-10 define ‘the foolishness of Godlessness’?” Answer:  “The New Jerusalem Bible is painfully specific!  ‘Yes, naturally stupid are all men who have not known God and who, from […]

May we all be blessed to guide our thoughts, words, and deeds by One Word from Jesus: “If”. ~ Question 1: “What are two very big ‘ifs’ that tell us if we are on The Road to Heaven?” Answer: “This ‘if’ in Col 3:1 is very important! ‘If then you were raised with Christ, seek […]