The smartest people have the best priorities.

What do the smartest people on earth want to do?

What do the smartest people on earth want to do?


Question 1:  “What do the smartest people on earth pray for today?”

Answer;  “They know that Ash Wednesday reminds us of Psalm 51:3, ‘Be merciful O lord, for we have sinned.’”  The smartest people know that we need God’s ‘mercy and compassion to wipe out our offenses, wash us from guilt, and cleanse us of sin’ so that our immortal soul may be blessed to live in Heaven’s Joy, forever.”

The smartest people will ‘acknowledge’ offenses ‘because they see their sin is before them, always and it is against God Whom we have sinned’. The smartest people know they must ‘plea for a new heart, a steadfast spirit, and The Holy Spirit to stay with us and get the joy of His Salvation and a willing spirit whom we praise.’   That is why The Smartest People unite in saying:  ‘Be merciful O Lord, for we have sinned.’


Question 2:  “Why is Ash Wednesday important to the smartest people?”

Answer:  “They know the important job given to every Catholic 2 Corinthians, 5:20-6.2; ‘Brothers and sisters:  We are ambassadors for Christ,’ because it is ‘as if God were appealing through us.’  The smartest people know that it is impossible to be an ‘ambassador for Christ’ as long as we reject grateful obedience to The Church-Creating Word of  Christ to His First Catholic Pope:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.'”


Question 3: “Since Catholics have ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus gave His Life to leave to His First Catholic Pope why do they worry about anything?”

Answer:  “Demons work to get Catholics to reject those ‘keys’ and follow them into sin.   It is not enough to ‘Be Catholic.’   We also have to ‘Stay Catholic’!


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “Where are Catholics smart enough to want to be?”  / “With God’s obedient friends in Heaven, for eternity.”

