The Sun and moon let us see God and vanity.

.                            Catholics ask an odd question!  Is God is holding the sun and The Son in His Hand?


Question 1:  “Why did God make the sun and moon?”

Answer:  “To show the difference between Him and all that He created.”


Question 2:  “How do the sun and moon do that?”

Answer:  “God’s First Words were ‘Let there be light.‘  And, ‘there was light’!   Then, He created the Sun to produce light.  He made the moon to reflect that light.”


Question 3:  “Does anyone know how He made the sun?”

Answer:  “He Spoke it into Being.   Every thing and movement in Creation is an echo of His Word.  The sun is a very complicated Echo of His Word.”


Question 4:  “Did God have That Much Power?”

Answer:   “How else could the sun have gotten there?”


Question 5:  “Why don’t people believe in a God with That Much Power?”

Answer:  “Some people are too vain to admit how tiny and insignificant they are.   They believe in themselves.   Some are able to think clearly enough to understand The Power of God to Speak the sun into being!”


Question 6:  “What do believers do?”

Answer:  “They study The Bible.  They realize God does have The Power to speak the sun into being.  They also see that their immortal soul is a tiny spark, like a distant star.


Question 7:  “The distant stars all shine like the sun!  Why did God Speak all of them into being?”

Answer:  “He wanted every person on earth to be able to put their souls in proper perspective to His Power, day and night.”


Question 8:  “What does the moon represent?”

Answer:  “The moon shines because it reflects light from the sun.  It shows the difference between His Light and reflected light.”


Question 9:  “How does the moon symbolize vanity?”

Answer:  “Vanity leads the vain to avoid considering The Power of God.   Those overcome by vanity prefer to look at reflections of His Power.  They intentionally avoid seeing The Power of God.   The moon is a reminder of how easy and pleasant it is to look at dim reflections of His Power.”


Question 10:  “What do those who understand God’s Power do?”

Answer:  “Catholics do not argue with The Power of God!   We obey This Word that The Power of God left on earth when He came in Human Form:  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 11:  “Can the ‘keys’ that let our soul be ‘bound’ in Heaven be found outside The Only Church Spoken Into Being by The Power of God?

Answer:  “If there were any ‘keys’ that compare to Catholic Sacraments and Catholic Teaching, Jesus would have told us where to find them.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

