The “Tapeworm Analogy” Is Not Enough.

Our primary job on earth is to get our own soul into Heaven. That desire should be accompanied by encouraging others to have the very same goal for themselves.

Most people who do little more with their lives than worm their way into positions that allow them to take from their neighbors don’t spend a lot of time considering that Judgment is coming. They do not spend a lot of time contemplating that they may be in the group of neighbor-haters destined for eternal pain.

Those who discover that they are one of many cells in a segment of the tapeworm do have an option: they can refuse to bear false witness about anything. In many cases, that will cause them to be denied promotion, cause them to be transferred to an undesirable position, or be discharged. Still, their only option is to tell the truth.

Consider a prison guard. The job is thankless, and, outside of the California penal system, mostly underpaid. It’s easy for a guard to fall into temptations that include prisoner abuse, turning a blind eye to prisoner abuse, stealing from inmates, or taking bribes for smuggling contraband into a prison.

Most prison guards have jobs simply because there are laws against drugs. If those convicted of non-violent, drug-related crimes were miraculously released, three-quarters of our jail cells would be empty. The jobs of most prison guards are based on the lie that the “War on Drugs” is working or being won.

Those stuck in some sections of the tapeworm can escape, simply by believing in God and obeying His commands. We are all where we are so that we can provide the necessary examples to encourage others to focus on belief. So, we shouldn’t focus on tapeworms as much as on the individual cells in their segments.

When enough of the cells in any tapeworm spiritually leave its corrupting body, the tapeworm will die.
