The Target Nations.

Every war begins the same way. First, Invaders send in infiltrators! Their goal? To make The Target Nations unable to defend themselves.

The best bribers win! Rome bribed Senators in Carthage. “Don’t send troops to Italy to help Hannibal! If Hannibal defeats us, he will return in triumph to Carthage! He will kill you all! Here’s some money. Hire town criers! Tell your people how bad Hannibal is!”

It worked. Hannibal, who never lost a battle in Europe, never got reinforcements. He was defeated by Roman bribes to the billionaires of his own nation.

One of the most brilliant men and powerful nations in History were destroyed by bribes!


Invaders are all the same. First, Laws and Customs that Founded and enriched The Target Nations are undermined.

The usual Complainers are bribed to proclaim: “Everyone in our nation has a right to everything they want!”

When their Foundations are undermined, the walls of Target Nations are unable to stand.


Influential people in The Target Nations are also bribed.

“You own land and businesses. Cut your costs! You don’t have to support employees’ families and pay their rising taxes! Stop paying them twenty times more than our slaves make! Our slaves will make or grow your products. You can sell them for the same price! We can make you even richer!”

Many think, “That’s good business!” They move Manufacturing and Agriculture to areas with lower costs. The Targeted Nations become unable to make what they need for families and defense. The value of Workers, work, and money is reduced in The Target Nations.


Confusion replaces confidence. Media hirelings endlessly frighten credulous people. “We are in great danger!”

They rant and rave. “We need cleaner air and water! Global Temperatures must be controlled! Disease could kill us all! We must take the lives of unborn children to save us from over-population!”

Fear rules The Target Nations. “We must give up jobs and freedom to save ourselves!”


Imaginary Problems have the same goals.

1. Make more people more dependent on a collapsing government.

2. More Regulations and Regulators.

3. Only Regulators are allowed to educate children.

4. Eliminating pension costs by shortening life spans.

5. Police departments become heartless fists of the collapsing state.

6. Small businesses are destroyed.

7. Bills of Rights in The Target Nations, from Hammurabi’s Code until today, are taken away.

8. People are impoverished in the name of “Fairness!” Gold is seized. Money is devalued by inflation. Today, The Target Nations are made ready for electronic confiscation.


What happens when The Target Nations are unable to defend themselves? Invasion. Then, slavery. Then, death.

Then, the latest victors become The Target Nations of following generations.

That process has been repeating itself for the past 12,000 years.

~An odd fact is clear.~

Peoples in The Target Nations who obey This Word of Jesus are most able to withstand the destroyers of life and freedom.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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