The Test is Getting Harder

All of us free-will programs running within The Creation Program are given the choice to love our neighbors or to hate them. We may freely choose to believe in and obey God or not to believe in, or obey, Him.

There used to be a tremendous Catholic support structure for those who needed guidance. Now, it is gone. The Catholic hospitals, schools, and social institutions are disappearing. Parish budgets are stretched thin, and there are too few priests. Many Catholic colleges have turned into leftist jokes. There are few Catholics going out of their way to help show others the way. Most are too busy living their own lives to do much else.

There are fewer supports provided in the secular world. The TV networks no longer broadcast the pro-family “Leave it to Beaver” shows that supported traditional family values. Instead, every sort of soul-destroying, life-hating behavior is publicized and encouraged.

Similarly, the public schools that once supported families and children now do whatever they can to undermine both.

Each and every one of us is, more than ever, on our own. We are either going to save our souls or we’re not, but it’s more up to us. As individuals, we have a hard job, soldiering through life, largely alone. Frankly, it’s not worse than ever, but it’s getting there.

That’s where Catholic Fundamentalism helps. It uses the technology and progress that’s been made in the secular world to guide us to the basic understanding that God, The Loving Programmer, has given us free will to operate within the larger program.

We may learn to understand that His powerful programming ability includes the capability to download countless galaxies and all that is within them. Catholic Fundamentalism helps us see that unbelief comes from failing to see how powerful He is. Hopefully, we do not recoil at that ultimate assault on our own vanity, but grow in wisdom. That, if we choose, will lead to eternal joy.
